We had fun watching our little nephew Isaiah open gifts and he was so excited. We were glad we got to see him and Phill and Jeannine from Utah. We ate so much good food made by both our parents and enjoyed the company of our families.
The day after Christmas I braved the crowds at the mall and went shopping with my two sister-in-laws and my mother-in-law. It was a madhouse. Jeff went out with his brothers and played 18 holes of golf. He loves golf and he was excited to use his new bag. That night we went and saw "Seven Pounds" with Will Smith. It was an interesting movie that really made you think. Jeff and I liked it.
On Sunday we were able to take time to sit back and realize how many blessings we have and think about our goals for 2009. We can always improve and become more like our Savior (and we are making it a goal to do that!). Happy New Year!! Have a fun 2009.

I got that clock for Christmas too from my parents! I love it!
Hi Shanna,
I found your blog off of someone elses blog. I too have the same clock and I love it. Glad to see things are going well for you and that you look so happy - my little Mia Maid!Check out my blog and you can see what we have been up to in Utah.
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