It has been a year and four months since we were married in the Sacramento Temple. I'm not going to lie- marriage is hard. It requires a huge amount of respect and personal concern for another, it requires selflessness and unconditional love. Marriage is dirty dishes, stinky towels, broken appliances, dusty shelves, unpaid bills and primary lessons. Homework must be done and dinner must be made BUT... to be able to clean the dishes, wash the towels, fix the fridge, dust the shelves, pay the bills and finish the primary lessons in between homework and dinner ALL with Jeff as my eternal companion is worth more than I can put into words. Jeff and I are best friends. I know that he gets irritable when he is sleepy and grumpy when he's had a long day. He leaves cupboards open and the toilet seat up, but I LOVE HIM! He gives me bear hugs at 3am, he watches sappy chick flicks with me (because he loves me not because he wants to!), he makes me waffles on Saturday mornings and leaves the light off in the mornings so he doesn't wake me, he takes me to the temple and reads scriptures with me, he works hard for me and doesn't complain. He makes me a better person, far better than I ever imagined I could be. Marriage is about growing and learning together everyday. I've learned a lot about priorities. It's not about looking good or being the cutest couple, it's not about having the house spotless and the clothes all washed every day. But it is about letting the Savior into our marriage and keeping our covenants with each other. I'm rich in love and life. How blessed I am forever!
P.S.- I love Jeff
That was beautiful!!
awwww! i love jeff too! hee hee! that was the sweetest post! and by the way... you guys are the cutest couple! please come visit us in dublin! the girls miss their old nursery leaders!!!
Oh my gosh, talk about the sweetest post EVER!!!! Thanks for the marriage advice!
wow shana, that was so beautiful. I cant believe how well written that was. It made me really step back and be grateful for my own marriage and husband. Thanks. I am so glad that you are so happy. That is so wonderful.
Ok, I am totally crying right now! You said everything so perfectly! I miss you girl. I want to meet Jeff too. He sounds great.
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